Brodhead United Methodist Church501 1st Center Ave
Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520
Phone (608)897-2515
Fax (608)897-2515
Online Auction!
November On-Line Auction
We are planning our second on-line auction for November 19th - 23rd. All proceeds raised from the auction will be used to support the work of our church. At this time, we are gathering donations and would appreciate items from our church family. Suggested donations could include new (or almost new) items, themed baskets, baked goods, candy, holiday decor or gift cards. Other creative donations may include teaching a baking/cooking class or hosting a dinner experience at your home for a small group.
Our auction items and bidding are organized through a Facebook group. Auction items will also be displayed or described on tables at the back of the church. The Facebook group is open to the public and anyone is able to join the group. You can access and join the group by going to Brodhead UMC Online Auction (11/19-11/23) | Facebook.
Please contact Jo Ann Steuri at 608-728-2980 or the church office if you are interested in making an auction donation or have questions about accessing the auction page. You may also drop off auction items in the office.
Christmas Program Rehearsals
Amazon Wishlist
Do you shop on Amazon? Scan the QR code to check out the church wishlist!!
The Chosen
The Chosen
The Chosen film group started Season 2 in October and will continue to meet every other Friday.
Tentative dates for November: November 8th, and November 22nd beginning at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Free popcorn! All are welcome to come and join us. Any questions? Contact Denny or Ann Schwartz at 608-897-2534
Timeless Treasures
Timeless Treasures Sales
Because of the generosity of Shirley Jackson and the Vi Truman family, we raised $2900 in September.
The money from the sales goes back to support the work of our church.
Our next sale will be on Saturday, November 16th from 8 am - 2 pm in the Education Wing.
More household items and collectibles will be added so please stop in to see our newest treasures!
United Women in Faith
November 21st, 1pm, Dessert
“Let’s Give Thanks” Learn about the World Thanks
Offering from Janice. Dessert: Sue P. & Dorothy.
December 12th, 11:30am
Holiday Fellowship at Bridges
Celebrate the birth of Christ with us as we gather for our
traditional Christmas luncheon. Please bring a $1 gift for the gift exchange. Christmas is a time for sharing so please also bring a canned/boxed good to share with White Gift.
JC Kids
Join us for JC KIDS
Starting 25th
And a fun lesson!
Sunday School
SEPTEMBER 22ND, 10:15am
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities
Do you have a special anniversary or person you would like to celebrate?
Bulletin sponsorships are available for $30 and newsletters for $300 (a great opportunity for businesses- reaching over 300
members by direct mail and email).
Contact the office if you are interested.
November Time & Talents
11/3: Communion
Worship Leader: Karen Benton
Scripture: Linda Gissing
Ushers: Jim & Nyla Durkin, Vicki Evenson, Dan Brown
Music: Suzanne Calhoon
Worship Leader: Shawn Melvin
Scripture: Karen Benton
Ushers: Jane Copus, Victor Mukosa
Music: Deb Fox
Worship Leader: Denny/Ann Schwartz
Scripture: Denny/Ann Schwartz
Ushers: Tammy Jacobson, Dan Brown
Music: Erin Johnsrud
Worship Leader: Brianne Hass
Scripture: Mary Friederich
Ushers: Bob Olin, Denise Benton
Music: Karen Benton
Dave Gissing, Al Schneider